
04 Apr 2023, 10:00
šŸ”Ž Cryptoslang. My team and I decided to introduce a new #cryptodictionary column for you, in which we will decipher crypto-terms of various popularity. šŸ“– Words of the day(letter A): -attack51 - the moment when most of the entire processing power of some currency's network is controlled by miners. In theory, this amount of processing power gives power over an entire network. -ATH (All Time High) - The highest value of an asset's exchange rate of all time. Another name is "Hai." -Allocation - in the cryptocurrency market most often means the upper threshold of the maximum purchase amount. For example on tokensale the allocation per participant of $500 means, that you can not buy more than this sum. P.s - I hope you enjoyed this kind of content, in the future we will come up with interesting columns for you as often as possible